Guidelight is a global network that supports families and churches impacted by disability through retreats, training and international outreach. Learn more about Guidelight.
Contributed Resources

The purpose of this training is to help you be more effective in serving the family and/or person experiencing disability.

See how Jesus interacted with disability and how the gospel engages all of us in our need.

Simple thoughts on how to approach disability.

Important characteristics of autism.

Important characteristics of Down Syndrome.

This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 2 of 5

Important characteristics of emotional or behavioral disorders.

我们认为,为残疾人提供服务的 5 大策略。
What we believe are the Top 5 Strategies to serve those with disabilities.

Jesus models so much for us, see how he modeled hospitality as it pertained to those with disabilities and those marginalized.

Routine is a great strategy to serve.

沟通是关键,第 1 部分。
Communication is key, part 1.

沟通是关键,第 2 部分。
Communication is key, part 2.

制定如何为有特殊需要的人提供服务的结构非常有帮助,但对一个人有效的方法可能并不适合所有人。了解更多。这是第 2 部分。
Creating structure in how you serve those with special needs is very hepful, but what works for one person may not work…

制定如何为有特殊需要的人提供服务的结构非常有帮助,但对一个人有效的方法可能并不适合所有人。了解更多。这是第 1 部分。
Creating structure in how you serve those with special needs is very hepful, but what works for one person may not work…

This might be the most important tool to consistent in your efforts to instruct or serve or in building relationships with…

One in 59 children are born today with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It is a developmental disability characterized by social struggles, communication difficulties, and/or restrictive…

What does the Bible tell us about disability?

The strengths, needs, and other important information about Emotional-Behavior Disorders as well as an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the training video.

Welcoming the weak was modeled by Christ.

Concluding thoughts on the practical portion of our training.

Actively pursue those with special needs and their caregivers.

This brief video provides an introduction to Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, and Cerebral Palsy.

Let the care of the church be focused on the whole family.

了解 Guidelight 静修。
Learn about Guidelight retreats.

Encouragement to apply the truth of the gospel to how we serve.

Highlight the vital role that Jesus plays in disability ministry, and how a little hospitality can go a long way. Also included is an informational sheet to be filled out during or…

Examine the need for routine that many individuals with disabilities have, and learn ways to provide instruction and care accordingly. Also included is an informational sheet to be…

This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 3 of 5

Help your church build relational ramps, making your community accessible to those with disability.

This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 4 of 5

Take a look at the best ways to meet an array of communication needs. Also included is an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the video.

Take a look at the best ways to meet an array of communication needs. Also included is an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the video.

In this video we introduce the top five strategies our training videos will offer to help you compassionately and skillfully minister to individuals experiencing disability.

This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 5 of 5

Being intentional with the structure of a class and the physical layout of a classroom can provide a friendly environment to a child with a disability.

As we conclude the first part of our training, we reflect on all we’ve learned. We remember that the foundation of our relationship with those experiencing disability is kinship,…

Ways your church can come alongside families and caregivers to help bear each other’s burdens, as well as an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the training…

This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 1 of 5

In part two we are given wisdom to welcome individuals with disability into our gatherings by meeting them where they are at, giving them opportunities to respond, and by…

Dive into this resource from Guidelight geared towards help your church connect with families living with disabilities.

Preparing our minds and hearts to minister to people with disabilities and their families in the most effective way possible.

The church is a community where all are welcome and all are needed.

All of humanity is beautiful and broken, in need of the good news of God’s saving grace.

Understand who Guidelight is as they share world-class, faith-based resources for those in the special needs and disability space.

Consistency is key to providing a stable and hospitable environment. In this video, we see the benefits of creating consistent expectations and learn approaches to best care for…

Discussing the right mindset to have when ministering to people with disabilities as well as an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the training video.