99 Balloons :: 99 Balloons :: Shine On

99 Balloons

99 Balloons has been building inclusive communities since 2007 so that every person with a disability and their family can live a full life within relationships. Through training churches in hosting respite (rEcess), connecting adults with & without disability in mutual friendship (bEfriend), and supporting global disability partners, 99 Balloons is seeking to change the story of disability across the globe. Learn more 99 Balloons.

Contributed Resources

Matt & Ginny Mooney share the mission and vision of 99 Balloons and how it all started because of the life of their son, Eliot.
Listen and learn from three moms of kids experiencing disability as they share about their unique journeys of motherhood, sharing both the joys of knowing their kids and the…
Listen and learn from two fathers of kids experiencing disability as they share about their unique journeys of fatherhood, sharing both the joys of knowing their kids and the…
Why should a church engage the disability community through respite? Learn the why & the how with our Programs Director.
See how you can create a lifelong friendship and lasting connection with friends with disabilities.
We train churches and communities on how to host bEfriend, our model of community that connects adults with & without disability in mutual, freely given friendship. Meet one of our…
rEcess is a holistic model of ministry that serves the entire family experiencing disability though a monthly respite night. We provide a turn key model for churches to begin truly…