Reach Hurting Kids Institute :: Reach Hurting Kids Institute :: Shine On

Reach Hurting Kids Institute

Reach Hurting Kids Institute is an interdisciplinary team of researchers, mental health professionals, and children's ministry experts. Our purpose is to provide trauma-informed children's ministry resources that empower the Church to reach the hurting kids in our congregations and communities. Together, we will tear down the barriers that prevent hurting kids from coming to Jesus and welcome the most vulnerable among us into the family of God. Learn more about Reach Hurting Kids Institute.

Contributed Resources

Learn practical tips to help kids in foster care succeed at church, including child-centered language and meeting individual needs.
Teach kids Christlike empathy by recognizing emotional needs, offering kindness, and sharing God's love through compassion.
Now it's time to get to work! Recap Units 1-4 and review key prinicples and strategies of trauma-informed ministry.
Listen in on this powerful conversation with safety and trauma experts on how to build and maintain healthy attachment with kids at church while maintaining a safe environment.
Learn key facts about foster care and complex trauma, and discover its impact on kids' feelings and behaviors.
Learn to support healthy relationships, connect personally, and provide a warm, caring presence for children in foster care.
Equip churches to serve foster youth with a 4-unit course on outreach, trust-building, and creating supportive spaces.
Learn effective discipline principles for children in foster care, avoiding retraumatization while addressign difficult behaviors.
Downloadable Resources
Wanting to build a trauma-informed ministry? Start here - a solid framework for trauma-informed care and 8 practical tips to helping children feel safe, in-control, loved, and…
Hidden disabilities like learning differences, sensory sensitivities, and childhood trauma can make worship feel out of reach. Let's make worship more inclusive!