Resources for churches

Relax and enjoy a calming experience that also teaches self-control. Use this video to help children choose the self-regulation strategies they need to gain focus and self-control. Training Video 8 of 8

Understand who Guidelight is as they share world-class, faith-based resources for those in the special needs and disability space.

What is anxiety and what does it look like in a Sunday School classroom? Use these tips and strategies to help students with anxiety feel comfortable enough in your classroom to absorb gospel truths.

Have you ever found yourself thinking "There's this kid..." in your ministry? Share this resource on ADHD, a common hidden disability, with your children's ministry volunteers and church staff.

Create a sensory tool kit for a wide range of sensory processing issues at church, such as attention, wiggling, fidgeting, anxiety, overloads, meltdowns, sensory seeking and avoiding. Training Video 1 of 8

Discover why every church needs to have inexpensive noise-reducing headphones at all ministry events. Help people with auditory sensitivity to attend your church without anxiety or pain. Training Video 4 of 8

This is a free printable flyer meant for ministries to offer families at a welcome center or check-in area for families wanting to know more about Bible for their families and individuals.

A visual timeline showing key moments in the writing and creation of the Bible.

God is not silent on the topic of disability, nor should the Church be! The Bible teaches us much about the theology of disability. There are many stories featuring people with disabilities. Below you will find ten of the…

Experience the benefits of weighted items in your church, such as to calm, reduce the wiggles and even prevent a meltdown. Discover how to safely and effectively use weighted items at church. Training Video 6 of 8

Clear steps to removing seen and unseen barriers within your church.

This video will help your church think through how to best minister to families, while still considering their unique needs.

This video will help give ministry leaders the confidence to speak in an encouraging way to those raising individuals with special needs.

“Behavior modification” can sound intimidating and unattainable, but with a few key tips and perspectives we can face challenging behavior head-on with greater confidence, and ultimately, share the gospel more effectively!

Discover how to choose the best fidgets for church. Less is more, learn how to choose wisely. Discover who needs a fidget and how to correctly use them to help with attention, focus and anxiety. Training Video 2 of 8