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Our comprehensive suite of resources is built to help your church gain the knowledge, strategies, and faith-driven skills to build and maintain a disability-inclusive environment. No matter what stage your church is at—from seeking the latest materials for a long-standing program to learning more about disability in general—you’ll find countless resources to fit your needs.

Resources for churches

Structuring your Disability Ministry and building a disability ministry that lasts.
看看耶稣如何与残疾互动,以及福音如何满足我们所有人的需要。 See how Jesus interacted with disability and how the gospel engages all of us in our need.
How to talk to church leadership and get them excited about disability.
关于如何应对残障人士的简单想法。 Simple thoughts on how to approach disability.
This video provides five tangible steps any church can take towards providing meaningful support to people of all abilities. Also included is a document describing disability ministry models. What is a “ministry model?” A…
自闭症的重要特征。 Important characteristics of autism.
Let Joni and Friends help you identify and remove barriers that impact people with disabilities. Develop a church culture that sees all people as indispensable parts of the Body of Christ, created in God’s image, and worthy…
唐尼综合症的重要特征。 Important characteristics of Down Syndrome.
This series is designed to provide two practical instruction videos along with videos focused on parents and spiritual interaction with those with special needs. 2 of 5
情绪或行为障碍的重要特征。 Important characteristics of emotional or behavioral disorders.
我们认为,为残疾人提供服务的 5 大策略。 What we believe are the Top 5 Strategies to serve those with disabilities.
Dive into this 6 part video curriculum series focused on sharing the Gospel!
耶稣为我们树立了很多榜样,看看他如何为残疾人和边缘化群体树立热情好客的榜样。 Jesus models so much for us, see how he modeled hospitality as it pertained to those with disabilities and those marginalized.
The Gospel In 3 Words. Why 3 words? Because it shouldn’t take a lot of words to communicate the simple Gospel message. Each lesson will focus on just 3 words that come directly from God in the pages of the Bible. These 3…
常规是一个很好的服务策略。 Routine is a great strategy to serve.