Resources for churches

Relax and enjoy a calming experience that also teaches self-control. Use this video to help children choose the self-regulation strategies they need to gain focus and self-control. Training Video 8 of 8

See how Jesus interacted with disability and how the gospel engages all of us in our need.

Structuring your Disability Ministry and building a disability ministry that lasts.

Simple thoughts on how to approach disability.

Learn practical tips to help kids in foster care succeed at church, including child-centered language and meeting individual needs.

Important characteristics of autism.

Simple solutions for the wiggles! Discover easy alternative seating and movement opportunities for your church and ministry events. Learn how to reduce anxiety and increase calm. Training Video 5 of 6

Important characteristics of Down Syndrome.

How to talk to church leadership and get them excited about disability.

Important characteristics of emotional or behavioral disorders.

This video provides five tangible steps any church can take towards providing meaningful support to people of all abilities. Also included is a document describing disability ministry models. What is a “ministry model?” A…

我们认为,为残疾人提供服务的 5 大策略。
What we believe are the Top 5 Strategies to serve those with disabilities.

All of humanity is beautiful and broken, in need of the good news of God’s saving grace.

Jesus models so much for us, see how he modeled hospitality as it pertained to those with disabilities and those marginalized.

Ways your church can come alongside families and caregivers to help bear each other’s burdens, as well as an informational sheet to be filled out during or after the training video.