Deaf Millennial Project

A Christian Digital Media Platform with a goal of inspiring Deaf People, the Deaf Millennial Project is dedicated to providing Deaf community outreach, digital resources, and discipleship training in American Sign Language. Learn more about this Contributor here.

Contributed Resources

Deaf Millennial Project Resources

Just be you!

God wants you to know that you can and should be comfortable and confident in your identity! He made you and designed you the way He did for a purpose!....


Accessibility and Inclusiveness in the church

Accessibility and inclusive are not extra work, being accessible and inclusive is biblical.....


Understanding “Deaf” Terminology

This resource covers some important jargon that focuses on Deaf communities and the appropriate terminology used when discussing the topic of Deaf people. ....

VideoWeb Page

Finding Sign Language Christian Interpreters For Your Church

One of the most frequent questions is, "How do I find local Christian ASL interpreters?" Deaf Millennial Project is helping churches learn some simple ways to find local American Sign Language Christian interpreters. ....


Learn Basic Church Signs in ASL

Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language. Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help.....


Ways to Communicate with a Deaf Person

A comprehensive guide to effective communication with Deaf individuals. Packed with practical tips and insights, this resource aims to bridge communication gaps and foster understanding. Join us in creating a more inclusive world by accessing this valuable tool today!....


25 Church Signs in ASL

Learn 25 basic American Sign Language signs related to church. Learning signs will help you engage with Deaf members of your church and Change your church culture from not only being accessible, but inclusive!....


Learn Basic Church ASL Signs

This is video number three in our series. As always, learning more basic sign language will allow you to engage with Deaf people in your community and church. ....


Look Back, Look Up, and Look Forward

Deaf Millennial Project shares one best approach in starting a Deaf discipleship group. A simple tool that will engage and disciple Deaf people for Christ. ....


Learning American Sign Language: Church vocabulary (Part 1)

Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language (ASL) Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help your church go from just accessibility to inclusiveness. ....


Learning American Sign Language: Church vocabulary (Part 2)

Welcome back to our 3 part series on ASL church vocabulary. Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language. Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help your church go from just accessibility to inclusiveness.....


Learning American Sign Language: Church vocabulary (Part 3)

Welcome back to our 3 part series on ASL church vocabulary. Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language. Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help your church go from just accessibility to inclusiveness.....


Biblical Terms in American Sign Language: Part 1

Exciting News! The Deaf Millennial Project has just launched Part 1 of our new video series, teaching biblical terms in American Sign Language! We're committed to making church spaces more accessible and inclusive for the Deaf community. Begin your learning journey today and help us foster inclusivity! ....


Biblical Terms In American Sign Language: Part 2

Exciting Update! The Deaf Millennial Project has released Part 2 of our fantastic resource: a video series teaching biblical terms in American Sign Language! This is another step towards making church spaces more accessible and inclusive for the Deaf community. Start learning today and help us create a more inclusive worship experience for all! ....


Thanksgiving / Fall themed American Sign Language vocabulary

Learn over 25 fall themed ASL words and phrases for thanksgiving.....

Additional Resources

Hope Devotional ASL

In a time when we are facing so much uncertainty, there is hope in one thing and that is God's word. In this 5 day devotional, be challenged to change your outlook on what you're facing.....

Web Page