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Joni & Friends

Joni & Friends brings practical help and Gospel hope to people with disabilities around the world. Learn more about this Contributor here.

Contributed Resources

Joni & Friends Resources

Responding with Compassion

Navigating challenging behaviors in special needs ministry.....


Disability Etiquette

Disability etiquette helps you to focus on the person, not the disability. Begin by using “people-first language,” putting the emphasis on the individual, not on the disability. It’s a subtle difference but speaks volumes! ....


Understanding Autism

A guide to understanding autism and answer to four questions about autism: What Is Autism? How Common Is Autism? How Does Autism Impact Participation at Church? What Can You Do?....


Types of Disabilities

Define different types of disabilities you may encounter.....


Changing Church Culture

Without a fundamental culture of inclusivity, “disability ministry” can actually cause even more isolation and distance people with special needs. So, how does a church culture go from excluding people with disabilities to embracing them as equal members of the body of Christ?....


Become a Church that Welcomes and Embraces People with Disabilities

Let Joni & Friends help you identify and remove barriers that impact people with disabilities. Develop a church culture that sees all people as indispensable parts of the Body of Christ, created in God’s image, and worthy of dignity and respect.....


Helping with Life Transitions

Engaging young adults with disabilities into the life of your church. ....


Pathways to Belonging

Create inclusive ministry environments for all ages. ....


Nonverbal Communication

Tips to communicate with those who use alternative ways to communicate and prevent confusion and potential challenging behaviors in the process. ....


Adapting Curriculum & Teaching Methods

Sometimes, all that’s required for someone to access God’s Word is a teacher who’s willing to put in a little effort and a few simple adaptations. This video will give you eight simple tips that can help unlock the rich beauty and truth of Scripture for those with special needs in your church.....

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Tips for Adapting Curriculum

Tips for Adapting Curriculum for Students with Special Needs....


Teaching the Concept of Salvation

How you teach the concept of salvation may look very different depending on your audience. Here you will find a few ways of presenting this lesson that will appeal to various age groups.....


Discipleship in Disability

A breakdown of what is a disciple, differences in the Body of Christ and how disciples make disciples - all through the lens of disability.....


5 Steps to Starting a Special Needs Ministry & Disability Ministry Models

This video provides five tangible steps any church can take towards providing meaningful support to people of all abilities. Also included is a document describing disability ministry models. What is a “ministry model?” A good ministry model enables people to encounter Christ. These suggested ministry models for disability ministry are built under the assumption that a unified church (disabled....


Engaging Church Leadership

How to talk to church leadership and get them excited about disability.....


What is Special Needs Ministry?

Finding a church that is welcoming to people with disabilities can be very difficult. Joni & Friends hopes to equip churches around the world to disciple people affected by disabilities!....


Engaging Game Changers

Recruiting and training volunteers for disability ministry.....


The Five Stages of Culture Change

What does it look like to mature and grow in disability ministry with churches that have different styles, sizes and budgets?....


Building a Disability Ministry that Lasts

Structuring your Disability Ministry and building a disability ministry that lasts.....


Removing Barriers

Clear steps to removing seen and unseen barriers within your church.....


Ten Tips for Pastors

Pastors have the privilege of modeling the heart of God for people who are impacted by disability in a variety of ways.....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Smile Don't Stare

Meet Naomi, Joni and BoBo as they walk through how to be kind to someone living with a disability! You can be a blessing by simply giving a smile to someone with a disability. Rather than stare…Smile!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Offer to Help

A great way to be a friend is to ask if someone if they need help. How about offering to open the door or helping someone with their things! Also learn a great verse, Philippians 2:4....


Teaching Kids about Disability: It's Okay to Ask Questions!

See someone with a disability? It's okay to ask questions! People with disabilities are usually happy to answer your questions. Learn some great tips when asking someone about their disability and learn a wonderful verse to go along with it, Matthew 7:12....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Cerebral Palsy

Start with "Hello!" Maddy, who has cerebral palsy, shares about a time when a girl named Rosie made her feel loved and included at school. Just a simple hello made all the difference for Maddy, so next time you see someone alone, go and say hi – who knows what will happen!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Autism

Discover what makes your friend affected by autism unique!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Learn Some Sign Language

Learn some sign language…that way you can say ‘hi’ to someone who is hearing impaired or deaf.....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Don't Make Fun

Learn from Proverbs 17:17 on how to be a true friend and not make fun of others!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Invisible Disabilities

Sometimes disabilities are inside of our bodies, not on the outside. Learn how to be a good friend to someone who has diabetes, an invisible disability.....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Get Close!

When you say hi to someone in a wheelchair, walk right up to them like you would anyone else (it’s nice to get close). Remember, you can’t catch a disability!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Make Eye Contact

When you talk to someone who is blind, it’s easiest to look them right in eyes – just like you would anyone else!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Stand in Front

When you're talking to a friend with a disability, remember to stand in front. Your friend won't be able to see you if you’re behind them!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Service Dog

If you see a service dog (wearing a working vest), don’t pet her unless you ask.....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Kids With Down Syndrome

Do you know someone who has Down syndrome? Include him or her in your circle of friends—they make great friends!....


Teaching Kids about Disability: Disability Awareness Training Stations

Fun activities for experiencing life with various disabilities.....


The Church is Not Complete Without People with Disabilities

People of all abilities need a church where they can fully belong. Joni and Friends works to equip and mobilize churches to welcome and embrace people of all abilities by removing barriers and creating a church culture that sees all people as indispensable parts of the body of Christ, created in God’s image, and worthy of dignity and respect. ....


Dealing with Challenging Behaviors

“Behavior modification” can sound intimidating and unattainable, but with a few key tips and perspectives we can face challenging behavior head-on with greater confidence, and ultimately, share the gospel more effectively!....

Additional Resources

Engaging Volunteers at Your Church

Everyone who comes through the church doors should feel welcomed and included. But when a new family at your church includes children or adults with disabilities, how do you gather and train volunteers to meet their unique needs?....

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An Introduction to Special Needs Children's Ministry

This exciting new introduction course will cover important topics including: -A biblical view on disability. -Inclusion Models and Accessibility. -Curriculum Adaptation. -Building Relationships with Families. -Discipleship and the Gospel. -Serving Alongside Friends with Disabilities.....

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A Practical Guide to Special Needs Children's Ministry

This is the second in a three part certificate track in Special Needs Children's Ministry. Part 2 will give you hands-on, practical guidance and tools for use in your ministry including: -Planning and Getting Started, -Training/Awareness. -Models of Ministry. -Ministering Beyond Sunday Morning.....

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Welcoming People with Disabilities in the Church

In this course you will learn to identify and remove barriers that impact people with disabilities and get hands-on practice to be able to: -START a Special Needs Ministry. -RECRUIT Passionate Volunteers. -ENGAGE Church Leadership. -ADAPT Curriculum and Teaching Methods. -MANAGE Challenging Behavior. -MODEL Inclusive Ministry.....

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Autism and the Church, An Introduction

The number of children with ASD is continuing to grow. The disability impacts not only the child, but the family as well. Many families look to community organizations, such as churches, as a support system. It is important for churches to be prepared to support the entire family. The church can create a safe and supportive environment that welcomes the family in, while providing the needed suppor....

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Why Every Church Needs People with Disabilities

Fundamentally, it’s not just people with disabilities who need the church. It’s the church that needs people with disabilities. Without them, the church is incomplete. Remember, “We are all needy, and we are all needed.” ....

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Six Steps to Offering Specific and Practical Help to a Family Living with Disability

How do we best serve families affected by disability beyond Sundays? ....

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