策略四:结构和差异化,第二部分 (Strategy 4: Structure and Differentiation, Part 2) :: 策略四:结构和差异化,第二部分 (Strategy 4: Structure and Differentiation, Part 2) :: Shine On

策略四:结构和差异化,第二部分 (Strategy 4: Structure and Differentiation, Part 2)


制定如何为有特殊需要的人提供服务的结构非常有帮助,但对一个人有效的方法可能并不适合所有人。了解更多。这是第 1 部分。 Creating structure in how you serve those with special needs is very hepful, but what works for one person may not work for all. Learn more. This is Part 2.