Become a Sensory-Friendly Church: Sound :: Become a Sensory-Friendly Church: Sound :: Shine On

Become a Sensory-Friendly Church: Sound

Overcomer Ministries

Sound can enhance learning and create an inviting atmosphere, but the wrong sound can hinder people from fully participating or even prevent them from attending your church or ministry events. Auditory hypersensitivity can cause physical pain, a sensory overload, shutdown or a meltdown.  In this video you will gain awareness and understanding for people with auditory processing issues, both auditory over-responsiveness and under-responsiveness, also called auditory avoiding and auditory seeking.  Discover why some people make a lot of noise, even if they are sensitive to the noise of others.  This video includes many easy inexpensive solutions to create a welcoming sensory-friendly environment for worship, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. Training Video 3 of 6.