The concept of Salvation is one that should be taught to every age group and ability level. However, how you teach it may look very different depending on your audience. Below you will find a few ways of presenting this lesson that will appeal to various age groups.

Sample Lesson Passage

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him form the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” Romans 10:9-10 (ESV)


  • Use simple wording
  • Incorporate movement
  • Teach a song with motions
  • Use visual pictures
  • Make Gospel Bracelets
  • Use repetition to help your friends remember the key points

Elementary Schoolers

  • Have them draw it out
    • Use blank paper or coloring sheets
    • Encourage them to share their drawings with a peer
  • Use the Wordless Book
    • This tool uses blocks or pages of color to represent the Gospel truths
  • Use tangible items – ex. A giant heart cutout when talking about God’s love
  • Teach the "ABCs" of becoming a Christian
  • Admit, Believe, Confess

Middle and High Schoolers

  • Allow them to make it into a play and act it out
  • Find ways for them to interact with their peers during the lesson – ex. Get with a partner to practice their scripture memory
  • Use games to memorize scripture
  • Purchase and utilize evangelism products
  • Teach about the Holy Spirit by making silly dough


  • Allow them to teach the concept of salvation to others or help you present to the group
  • Read the Bible together and independently
  • Allow them to discuss the concept of salvation with their peers
  • Ask deeper questions that help them apply the concepts, such as "What has God done for you today?"