Sensory Tools: Visual Timers

Sensory Tools: Visual Timers :: Shine On

An essential sensory self-regulation tool to help with transitions and tracking time. By using a visual timer, you can smoothly shift from preferred to non-preferred activities. The bubble timer is not only effective but also beautiful and calming to watch. It is a highly effective, simple, quiet, portable, inexpensive visual fidget for all ages. Training Video 7 of 8


Sensory Tools: Fidgets

Learn how to choose the best fidgets for church. Discover who needs a fidget and how fidgets can help many people increase their attention, concentration, focus, and learning while decreasing anxiety and extraneous movement. Handpicked and field-tested by an experienced Occupational Therapist, these fidgets are effective, quiet, portable, durable, budget-friendly, and easy to sanitize. Training ....


Sensory Tools: KickBands

Discover why every church needs to have inexpensive noise-reducing headphones readily available. Auditory hypersensitivity and auditory defensiveness can prevent people from attending church because of the anxiety and pain sound can cause. Noise-reducing headphones reduce auditory distractions and lower overall noise volume, while still allowing the person to hear their surroundings. By providi ....


Sensory Tools: Headphones

Discover why every church needs to have inexpensive noise-reducing headphones readily available. Auditory hypersensitivity and auditory defensiveness can prevent people from attending church because of the anxiety and pain sound can cause. Noise-reducing headphones reduce auditory distractions and lower overall noise volume, while still allowing the person to hear their surroundings. By providi ....


Sensory Tools: Self Control Strategies

Everyone wants to be in control, including kids! Control Is My Goal is a children’s book that teaches children how to control their own bodies and emotions. Learn how to use self-regulation strategies using simple sensory tools. Try one strategy or try them all. Help children choose the self-regulation strategies they need to gain focus and self-control. Relax and enjoy a calming experience ....
