How you teach the concept of salvation may look very different depending on your audience. Here you will find a few ways of presenting this lesson that will appeal to various age groups.
Welcome back to our 3 part series on ASL church vocabulary. Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language. Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help your church go from just accessibility to inclusiveness. ....
VideoWelcome back to our 3 part series on ASL church vocabulary. Learn basic church signs in American Sign Language. Learning these signs will help you engage with Deaf people in your community and help your church go from just accessibility to inclusiveness. ....
VideoLearn some simple steps and ways you can find local American Sign Language Christians interpreters for your churches. This simple guide can be a starting point to help you and your church search and recruit interpreters. ....
VideoA mental health champion can play a key role for churches looking to have an intentional strategy for welcoming and including families impacted by mental illness into the life of the local church. ....